Possible to FORCE game hooking on ALL games?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Possible to FORCE game hooking on ALL games?

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    I find with just using SBS and 3D geometry would work as Tridef 3D makes all games work its just you can’t stretch the image out so its like stuck at 4:3 instead of 16:9 no matter what settings

    it’s weird but I think the 3D of Tridef is superior than Vorpx

    The FOV 3D adjust is great as the positioning is correct instead of zoomed in

    having 3D disabled completely because Vorpx doesn’t “know the game” when it’s exactly the same game like Garrys mod and L4D 2 which works but Garrys mod doesn’t


    I would kill for Vorpx allowing to hook any game in geometry 3d ala Tridef/3d vision, just give a big huge warning about it being unsopported etc. , and hopefully we can tweak it to make it work. Let us do the dirty work to test and tweak games and so increase the supported game list.

    Trancer Spacey

    You can see in vorpX, Dishonored for example, that in geometry-mode unfortunately the shader-effects are not displayed correct. Or better said they are totally messed up. As I understand Ralf correct, when he wrote about positional tracking in BS Infinite, every game has to be adapted correct so that this mess-up does not happen and that this is not an easy thing.

    So I guess it would be probably possible, that vorpX hooks into everything, but when I see games that are already setup manually by Ralf, but do not work perfect now, you would be very dissapointed with a “instant-hooking-solution”.


    Weird since Dishonored is almost perfect in geometry mode (other than water effects iirc), sadly I can’t get it to work at good fps so I skipped it, but the game looks incredible with Vorpx.

    In 3d vision, Helix mods allow you to “hunt” problematic shaders and fix them if you know how, or simply disable them. I wish we had something like this.

    Trancer Spacey

    In Dishonored the shadows are displayed not correct, especially when they are on a NPC. Waterreflections and water itself is not rendered correctly in g3d. I really hope this can be fixed. Because you are right: besides this the game looks fantastic!

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