Possible to get an option for combination buttons for Vorpx Menu/Edgepeek?

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    Hi, I asked about this about a year and a half ago or so and I believe Ralf mentioned it may be possible. I was wondering if it might still be on the table? I’ve been playing some FPS games again (namely FO76) and one of the most frustrating things has been using a gamepad with the current options for accessing the menu/edgepeek. Since you use the thumbsticks for sprinting and crouching in FO76 (which is also common in other fps titles) it means the start/back buttons are the only real option for the gamepad. Unfortunately, in the case of FO76, the start/back buttons already have combination functions, meaning you have to hold the button to get one menu while just pressing it gives a different menu. You can imagine how this affects Vorpx. It actually makes it impossible to access a certain menu in the game while Vorpx is set to it.

    If we had the ability to use a combination of buttons (like L1 + R1, or something like that) it would alleviate this issue while being a huge QoL improvement in general! No more accidentally bringing up the menu/edgepeek when we try to do something in game (because, let me tell you, try as I might to avoid doing that, it happens all the time)! Any chance an option like this could be put in down the road?

    Thanks for any consideration!


    You can both disable and/or bind to other keys if you wish via the Vorpx Config app.
    Pop open the Config app and navigate to the “In-Game Key Bindings”, there you can configure it how you want it ;)

    I ran into the same problem a few times, so my solution with every game I play using Vorpx is to disable the “Vorpx” thumbstick presses in the “Del” menu.
    I use a PS4 controller and map both Vorpx Menu and Edgepeek to my PS4 touchpad corners.



    You can both disable and/or bind to other keys if you wish via the Vorpx Config app.
    Pop open the Config app and navigate to the “In-Game Key Bindings”, there you can configure it how you want it ;)

    I ran into the same problem a few times, so my solution with every game I play using Vorpx is to disable the “Vorpx” thumbstick presses in the “Del” menu.
    I use a PS4 controller and map both Vorpx Menu and Edgepeek to my PS4 touchpad corners.


    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing an option for binding the actual gamepad buttons to anything (unless I’m missing something?); only keyboard shortcuts. Since I’m using an XBOX one controller, I don’t have anything extra to use with something like xpadder/joy2key. That’s why it’d be nice if we could use something like a compound button press for Vorpx.


    You’re welcome :)

    My Apologies Senan, I was a bit foggy in the head when I wrote that (long night before lol).

    I completely forgot to mention that I also use an app that converts my PS4 controller into a Xbox360 controller which has the ability to map keyboard keys to my controller (arguably the most important part =| SMH).
    Anywho, I personally use reWASD which is NOT free, however I’m pretty sure there are free alternatives out there (x360ce as an example).

    So basically you could map keyboard keys to perhaps your LB and RB and achieve it this way.
    The only caveat here is that you would lose whichever gamepad buttons you mapped.
    This is why I use a PS4 controller as I essentially gain 5 extra buttons on the touch/click pad.


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