Possible tricks to not render object in one eye view?

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  • #206399

    Using G3D in ARMA 3 with the AH-64D Apache Mod Official Project, might there be some possible tricks to get the right eye monocle to not get rendered in the left eye view?

    Maybe possible to have different culling parameters on the left eye camera to not render the close to eye monocle?

    Maybe move the left eye camera forward a tad to cut through the monocle and maybe increase the fov in the left camera to match the right again?

    Maybe change some code in the mod to support stereo?

    Maybe even enable and disable the monocle really fast and alternate eye rendering?

    Open to any ideas/hacks to accomplish this.


    Messed around with the shader authoring tool and got it to where the monocle is somehow centered on the same target in both eyes no matter where I am looking. Better than nothing, but would be nice to just not have the monocle in the left eye at all.


    remove dlls

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