Posts disappearing from this forum

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  • #200204

    Posts keep disappearing from this forum. One that I was reading last night is now gone. I’ve seen this happen numerous times lately, and while this forum may be substandard in a lot of ways, it really shouldn’t delete posts at random.

    And it’s not my imagination. When the post count says 5 and there are only 4 in the thread, it means one of them was trashed.


    Sometimes I move posts to a better fitting sub forum.

    The only posts that are removed occasionally are download/key issues once the problem has been resolved. And spam of course. the latter happens mostly automatically based on some heuristics WordPress (Akismet) runs on each post. Despite the need to solve a captcha there are is still a substantial amount of spam accounts created on a regular basis unfortunately.

    If a post you made disappears e.g. after editing it (apparently sometimes considered posting the same content multiple times by the spam detection), or because it has (too many) links or some other formatting tags the spam detection dislikes, shoot me a mail. I can restore false positive spam posts for about a week or so before they get deleted for good.


    The one post in particular that I noticed missing was a rather long technical discussion of frame smoothing. It wasn’t my post – I filed it as tldr until later, but then it was gone when I went back. Can’t imagine why it would have been axed by a spam filter.


    I checked the spam folder directly after reading your post above and am pretty sure the post in question should be there (again). Let me know if not. Maybe the author edited the post, which sometimes can be enough (see above) or the spam detection disliked the formatting for some reason. I can only guess, no clue how it works exactly.


    And now it’s back. Wierd. Maybe a caching issue.


    No, it was marked as spam for whatever reason (see above).


    Oops. Didn’t see your reply.

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