POV tracking?

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  • #102022

    Stumbled across the software by accident.
    I recently came into position of a Vive… (okay, it was Finally shipped)
    Impressed with the performance, less impressed with the general support by the drivers… So I went searching.
    Few questions..
    A: no demo?. (I’m a steam user, Iv learnt not to trust early access and beta labels, lol)
    B: What kind of tracking support does the software have?. Just Z. or full X, Y and Z?… I mean, if I lean forward or tilt my head sideways, is the software going to track that?.
    C: Can I turn off stereoscopic rendering and just set it to mirror?. (a strange question I know)


    vorpX isn’t really beta or early access except for the new Vive support. There are dozens of YouTube videos showing what it does.

    Tracking support depends on the game. vorpX has two different 3D modes, which has an impact on head tracking. Many games support both, others only one of them. G3D (best looking stereo 3d, but slow) allows rotational and positional tracking, which means you can lean forward, sideways etc. Z3D (fast, but stereo 3d not as good) is rotational only. Head tilt always works.

    Stereo 3D can be disabled in all cases if needed.


    The beanz are cool.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

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