Pre-Purchase Query

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  • #192397

    Oculus Rift-S user.
    Thanks for developing and providing this excellent forum website.

    My question pertains to games not on the official or unofficial or inofficial lists. I was told that Vorpx can be used with Final Fantasy XIV and other games not on the lists.

    If Vorpx will display those games, in support of 3rd person gaming, as the same as just watching a movie (cinema or theater mode), then count me in. I’m not sure what the correct terminology is.

    Skyrim-SE is another. Yes, I have the Skyrim-VR and got severe motion sickness; so I believe if I can play Skyrim-SE in 3rd person in (cinema or theater mode), then Vorpx will be well worth it, and I wont get motion sickness. Other games, like Resident Evil -2-remake and Resident Evil 7 would probably be fun in Vorpx.

    I look forward to your replies and comments.
    Thanks much,


    Games not on the “list” may still work, using another profile from the vorpX cloud. A lot of times, its just trial and error. But There are already tons of games that people have uploaded profiles for, that aren’t on the official “list”. I play them all the time. As for specific ones, best to do a forum search to see if anyone has tried it.
    I play Cinema mode games all the time in VorpX. In fact, its my favorite way to play games in 3D, even for first person games. Skyrim SE works, RE2 works. They are all great. Do a search here to see what games you are interested in.

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