Prey(2007) and Quake 4 problem with new vorpx

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    prey e quake 4 (che hanno entrambi lo stesso motore grafico) continuano ad avere problemi con la g3d: viene il mal di testa a giocarci perchè la visuale è distorta


    sorry, i wrote the message in italian:

    this is the message in english:

    prey(2007) and quake 4 (which both have the same graphics engine) continue to have problems with the g3d: the headache comes to play because the view is distorted


    I tried quake4 with the latest release and something isn’t quite right. It feels like the left and right eye images are out of sync when you turn quickly. The depth perception breaks down and then reappears when the image isn’t moving. It also feels like something similar is happening when enemies and other stuff are moving around quickly. It all gets very confusing, which is a shame because it looks and runs nicely when stuff isn’t moving around.

    I followed all the instructions and haven’t messed about with anything other than the stuff recommended by vorpx.

    This is with a Nvidia 1080 on the latest drivers


    For OpenGL games vorpX uses alternate frame rendering for Geometry 3D, which means there is a slight time offset between the left/right eye. While that isn’t really noticable in OpenGL games that can run fast enough, both games are unfortunately capped at 60fps, which translates to 30fps in stereo due to the alternate frame rendering.

    While removing this framecap is possible, it breaks animation speed and other timing related things in both games, so that’s not really an option either.

    Please note that the above only applies to OpenGL, not DirectX. OpenGL support in vorpX however probably will never reach the same level as DirectX support, there just aren’t enough OpenGL games to justify the amout of work that would be required.


    So does that mean this issue will be fixed if I switch to a different 3D reconstruction option?


    Theoretically yes, practically no. No Z3D in Q4. What you can try is an ini tweak to disable the framerate cap. I removed that from the settings optimizer due to the timing issues outlined above, but maybe faster moving speed and similar glitches are less distracting for you than the 3D glitch:

    1. Navigate to [Quake 4 install]\q4base
    2. Open Quake4Config.cfg with a text editor
    3. search for ‘com_FixedTic’ without the quotes, change the value to 1

    If ‘com_FixedTic’ is not in your ini, add it at the end of the file EXACTLY as below

    seta com_FixedTic "1"

    -1 is also supposed to do something, but didn’t when it was tested.


    Thanks, I’ll give it a try later


    i’ve tried: the problem remains


    any solution?


    I know this is an old thread, but in case anyone’s wondering what happened to Quake 4 support, with the current version of VorpX is absolutely perfect. It runs well, looks good and is a proper old-skool shooter. Bloody marvellous :)


    yes, but wolfenstein (2009), that uses the same engine of quake 4, don’t work with vorpx.


    I can’t seem to get vorpx to hook into quake 4, works with quake 3 but I get error with quake 4. Latest vorpx 18.2.3 with quake 4 from steam. I also tried running vorpx with admin priv, but no change.


    If you use the Steam version, running vorpX as admin is required since Steam launches the game with admin rights. Besides that I can only recommend to check for other programs that also hook into games and might cause a conflict.

    Typical candidates are virus scanners, GPU/CPU utilities of any kind, chat programs, video recording/streaming software and generally everything that can show notifications in games.

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