Pro Tip against horrible Extended Mode

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    Here’s my little Pro Tip for everyone who, like me, finds it horrible to navigate windows while having the Rift (DK2) set to extended mode.

    What I’m doing to solve this problem is: Using TeamViewer (or any other Screen-View+Control app like OpenVPN) from my Phone or Tablet.

    What this allows me to do is make the Rift the main display, and navigate it easily via TeamViewer on my tablet. It also lets me view the game on the tablet in “Oculus View”, albeit with a bit of lag.

    Navigating Windows through the oculus? OLD!

    I hope this helps anyone who’s frustrated to keep having to put on their oculus and dislocate the eyes to try to find either the cursor or the window…


    Sounds like a neat idea, I just want to add a word of warning: A few days ago I got a report from a user who had problems using vorpX with a TeamViewer display driver installed.

    If after trying the above vorpX doesn’t work anymore, uninstalling TeamViewer might solve the issue.


    Heya. For me it works just fine this way, no problems. :) I think what may have caused problems for him was, that he set TeamViewer to resize the Screen (cheaper streaming size), which the oculus doesn’t like.

    In my case, I’d never uninstall TeamViewer, because I use it a lot lot lot. Perhaps the above guess is accurate though.


    Just to throw in my .02 I have seen the teamviewer driver crash games as well. Not saying its bad to keep on your system just something to consider troubleshooting if you’re having weird problems.


    Odd, I’ve really been using it for many years on different machines with different setups (all windows though). Not once have I had a problem with any games :o

    What does happen though, is that, depending on your settings, it will resize screens when a connection is being established.
    On a side note though, I never noticed TeamViewer having any “drivers”?


    Another way to circumvent the annoying rift when set as primary display mode would be to get a utility to map hotkeys to launch your games/apps…its not perfect but an option.

    Here you will find a hotkey utility to make it easier to toggle primary display between rift and regular monitor and another hotkey to toggle disabling and re-enabling your secondary display.

    I personally still use the peek into rift display to launch my games after.


    Also a good find, thanks for the post, bcozier!

    I tried a similar program that was freeware yesterday, also one that let you “quickly switch” between Primary/Secondary.

    What I think “hotkey launching games” lacks is… there’s sometimes a launcher or something which comes up – on the rift – which still needs to be navigated D:

    I’d really love to see more support added for the “Direct Mode” so we don’t have to fiddle around with extended monitors so much :p (and people can see what you see on another monitor)


    On a side note though, I never noticed TeamViewer having any “drivers”?

    IIRC it should show up as a separate device in device manager.


    I hear ya…but I’m not sure a direct to rift mode would be possible with vorpx because of the nature of the non-native games. I’m glad I found that util so it’s no longer a pain in the A55 to pull up nvidia display panel to switch primary and disable secondary and all that crapola. I manage to launch games a whole lot quicker now.

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