Problems Registering

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    Recently I requested a download link. I installed the program and referenced an old e-mail with my original product key. When I copy exactly (no invisible spacing) the Registration Name and Key it gives me an error. The only discrepancy I can see is that the Request Code provided in the new e-mail differs from my original e-mail when I bought the software. Not sure if that matters. The exact error is:

    “Registration did not succeed.
    Your registration information could not be validated.”


    You need a new key for a new request code. To get a new key, simply send an e-mail with the new request code to register |at| vorpx com. In most cases getting a new key doesn’t take more than a few minutes.


    Thanks a lot. I just got my new key and my product is now working. Haven’t did any testing, but I’ll get on that later. It’s at least usable now.

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