Profile editor?

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    Hey guys,

    i’m new to vorpX, watched a couple of guides on how to set it up and now i decided to try Metro 2033. I was curious how the original would run compared to the Redux version so i installed both. I understand that both games have “official” vorpX profiles localy available.

    The original was running like a charm but Redux gave me some headache. After tinkering with the settings i lost track of what i did and came to a conclusion that i need some basic profile which doesn’t alternate in-game settings and that will be my basic setup to start with.

    Doing so in-game though isn’t the quickest way as many changes do need restarting of the game or just crashes/showes black screen in VR.

    So my question is – is there a way to edit vorpX Profile settings outside of the game itself? If there isn’t, how can i switch off or check at least some of the profile’s settings before i launch the game? I don’t want to let vorpX to change my graphics settings or the input settings (i was not able to edit gamepad settings on Metro Redux for example, because the game thought it was disconnected, while without vorpX it was working fine).

    Btw. i bought my G2 just 2-3 weeks ago and after playing few games in it and trying vorpX, i just can’t go back playing them on flat screen :D. I’m really thankfull for this software as it’s really a gam changer for me. Thumbs up to everyone involved in the developement. Keep up the good work lads!


    Just a heads-up that usually any settings changes vorpX applies are pretty important for a seamless experience. Even more so for FullVR games like Metro where vorpX makes sure that the game FOV precisely matches the FOV of your headset. Without automatic settings you would have to do that manually.

    That said, if you want to experiment with games that already have an official profile, your best bet is making a copy of the game‘s .exe and then create a new profile for that copied .exe. You can find a short introduction in that regard in the vorpX help. For games with DirectVR support as good as the Metro games there isn‘t really any point in doing that though.

    Gamepad: some games do not allow mouse and gamepad input at the same time. Whenever that is a known issue with a game, vorpX‘s built in gamepad to mouse/keyboard mapper is used as long as vorpX has to emulate a mouse for head tracking. the alternative to that in games that dislike simultaneous mouse/gamepad input would be no gamepad at all (or no head tracking).

    The good news: in games with memory scanner head tracking support (like Metro) gamepads work natively again after a successful scanner run, since with memory scanner head tracking no mouse emulation is necessary anymore.

    Rule of thumb: if the gamepad to mouse/keyboard mapper is enabled in a profile, there usually is good reason for that.


    Just a heads-up that usually any settings changes vorpX applies are pretty important for a seamless experience. Even more so for FullVR games like Metro where vorpX makes sure that the game FOV precisely matches the FOV of your headset. Without automatic settings you would have to do that manually.

    Fair enough, i’ll keep using existing profiles and maybe change some little bits to my liking.

    That said, if you want to experiment with games that already have an official profile, your best bet is making a copy of the game‘s .exe and then create a new profile for that copied .exe.

    Do you mean i can just copy the .exe file, name it differently, copy existing profile and assign the new .exe to it? What about in-game graphics options? Do they change for both .exe files, or do the games keep separate configuration files for both?

    Gamepad: some games do not allow mouse and gamepad input at the same time.

    The thing is, i tried both games on a flat screen before i enabled vorpX and gamepad was working just fine and i was able to change control settings in the game menu. After vorpX was enabled, i was only able to change controls for K+M (Redux version), but the gamepad options were inaccessible. I was able to play with it but not change the controls. In the original game, everything worked fine, including the controls options menu.

    Btw. thanks for the response, it was very helpful ^^


    I think i got the idea now. I tried Deep Rock Galactic with Paradise Decay’s profile. I had to change some settings to make it playable for me. In the end i switched from Full VR to Immersive screen as that’s more zoomed out while still very different to a 2D screen. Before i got vorpX, i’ve tried the game in SteamVR’s Theatre mode and it was not playable at all, even on the lowest settings. I also tried Bigscreen, which was playable on the lowest settings.

    i5 6600, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 6GB – i can run this game un Ultra settings 1080p in Immersive screen mode while maintaining stable 45 FPS (according to Steam FPS counter and also vorpX counter). But it’s so smooth that i really feel like it’s 90 FPS. Or at least 60 minimum .. it has to be.

    Ralf thank you for this absolutely amazing piece of software. I think i’ll spend a whole lot of more time playing games like this as opposed to native VR games. Thank you very much again!

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