Hi:) Ralf
Your last driver working fine,and now i get the ingame menu :)
Just a word about Project cars,i know that your driver is not yet coded for this game.So as the Ui of Project cars is unusable cause double screens,i’m using vorpx
to have Ui readable:)at least.
And when running a race i have to desactive vorpx to get VR.
Strange thing but that’s working.
So could you add a function that will be affected to a keyboard button to switch vorpx on/off?it would be very usefull in case like that kind of issue.
I do this request because once vorpx desactivated in game i can’t go back after a race and get again vorpx running to use the Ui of Project cars.
Thanks in advance for answer
And when running a race i have to desactive vorpx to get VR.
Strange thing but that’s working.
Its not really strange since pCars has rift support, but not in the menus. I have learned to navigate the menus in “2D” mode. At later date when they have time Im sure they convert menus to be rift compatible too.
Could you, please, help me with an advice about how to deactivate de vorpx as to be able to play Project Cars? It looks that just simply exit the program doesn’t change anything and I cannot manage to get VR in race mode :(
Project Cars worked fine until I have installed the Vorpx… :(
vorpX does nothing unless it is running. Exiting it disables it completely. To make sure it is not running, check your task manager for vorpControl.exe and vorpControl64.dat.
I can just guess that after using vorpX you may have to switch your Rift back to direct mode for Project Cars to work. The latest Project Cars version may also require the 0.6 Oculus runtime. Not sure about that though.