PSA: You can increase the FOV of CyberPunk 2077 above 100 degrees!

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion PSA: You can increase the FOV of CyberPunk 2077 above 100 degrees!

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    I’ve discovered that 100 degrees FOV is not a hard limit. Here’s how you can increase this limit:

    Go to
    C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\settings\platform\pc

    Open options.json file

    Search for “FieldOfView”
    Change “max_value” from 100 to anything you like, such as 130 or 170.

    Then in game when you change it, you can see that the FOV got bigger in the game. A major benefit of this is that you can now zoom in the picture without losing proper world scale. I find on my HP Reverb G2 at 120 FOV and zoomed in until I can’t see any borders, I get the best picture quality with the correct world scale.

    Dear VorpX developer, you can now optimize the application for wider viewing angles :)

    I have yet to try this on my Pimax 8KX in Large FOV mode. Will report back later.


    Good find, I couldn’t make that work by just changing the max. value in the user settings file originally, which got reset when restarting the game. If this solution comes without side effects, I’ll add it to the auto settings for the game.

    Small manual FOV change hint:

    Any FOV different from 100.0 will currently require manual vorpX ImageZoom adjustment in FullVR mode to make game and headset FOV match. The profile currently comes with the right settings for FOV 100.0, manually changing the game FOV to anything else is only recommended for those who feel comfortable tweaking vorpX settings afterwards to make game and headset FOV match again.

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