PSVR2 and VorpX

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    Hi, I’m new here. I have a PSVR2 and I’m excited to dive into PCVR, especially VorpX (because I already have most of the current VR games on PS5). Does PSVR2 (with the PC adaptor) work with VorpX? Particularly with non-Steam games, because I’ve bought so many games over the years from GOG for my ageing PC (many of which are apparently VorpX compatible) so I’d love to know if they will work with PSVR2, before I spend lots of money on a new PC that can handle VR :)


    vorpX supports the SteamVR VR runtime, so it works with everything that can handle SteamVR.

    Steam has to be installed for SteamVR, but you can use it with games that aren’t on Steam just fine.


    Thanks a lot for replying Ralf, I really appreciate it. Makes the decision to take the leap feel a little easier :)

    I’d also love to hear from anyone who has a PSVR2 and GOG games, if it all works smoothly… You’d think it would work the same as any other VR headset, but I’ve heard that people have had issues with getting the PSVR2 to work with some UEVR games (some say it only works with the Steam version), so I’m hoping there aren’t any issues with PSVR2 and VorpX as well.

    Really excited to experience some of my favourite AAA games in 3D!

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