Purchase error – New Year's Day 2019

Homepage Forums Installation and Registration Support Purchase error – New Year's Day 2019

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    Just wondering whether I’m not able to purchase today Due to server error or maintenance today? All I get is that my purchase cannot be verified at “my commerce”.


    Sounds like some issue with validating your PayPal/credit card data. MyCommerce sometimes rejects payments for no apparent reason. You could either try to reach them via their shopper contact form (https://www.mycommerce.com/shopper-support/) or send a mail to support |at| vorpx com for an alternative purchase method.


    Well I got a reply from the link you gave me and they gave me some story about not being able to communicate with Barclays bank and / or PayPal for address verification!

    I contacted my bank as they asked me to do and they say that theirs has been no attempt to make a payment from the company and the email address they are listed to in Dublin Ireland so I can only assume they want they don’t want to take my money or in fact have problems with the software developer?

    it’s not exactly filling me with confidence as to whether I should be dealing with them or their financial arrangements.

    anyone care to restore my faith and give me a solution as I’m currently waiting for a reply to their reply as to whether I can in fact purchase this item without having to open a new bank account as they are suggesting in the previous reply?


    Please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com. We can provide you with a backup purchase method that does not use MyCommerce. You will need a PayPal account for that though.


    Okay will do and I’ll report back as I seem to be just going in circles with MyCommerce who suggested a cheque, bank or wire transfer et cetera as an option that isn’t even present on their MyCommerce payment page which they said would be available!
    This will also flag up for vorpX that they will be losing sales due to this added complication for potential purchasers like myself.
    For anybody else I should also point out that the PayPal option on MyCommerce payment page also didn’t work for me so that was two methods bank credit cards and PayPal that didn’t work.
    Thanks again Ralph


    @Ralph, many thanks I got the PayPal purchase option email from yourself, or was that just a coincidence that it came from somebody with the same name as yourself?
    Anyway I was able to install the web setup and I’m just waiting the activation email.
    Can’t wait to give this thing a try with my Samsung Odyssey + and my 2080 TI :-)

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