Putting my $$$ where my mouth is…

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Putting my $$$ where my mouth is…

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    I have been using VorpX for over 4 years now, and it has elevated my gaming experience to new heights without a doubt. I rave about it all the time. So much so, that I started thinking about Ralf and his unparalleled support for this software. His constant adding of new games to keep it going strong. Such amazing work.
    I think mega vorpX fans like myself who have gotten so much joy from it, need to show Ralf how much we appreciate his ongoing efforts, new profiles, and general accessibility.

    So….Ralf, I was wondering, do you have a donation link set up anywhere? Or another avenue for arbitrary payment amounts? I would love make an additional $20 donation to the VorpX cause! Considering the use I get from it, its the least I can do.




    That’s a nice gesture guys. Thanks! I haven’t set up anything for donations myself, but some user profile authors have, and as it’s almost universally the case with volunteer work, they have received very little in return as far as I’m aware. So if you you want to make a donation, those are the places to look for.

    Small disclaimer: whenever you make a donation to a profile author, do so as appreciation for their past work, never expect them to do more than they already did.


    Right you are Ralf!
    I’ll definitely check those guys out. There’s a few I know of that have for sure done great work.

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