I literally have run out of options. Every time I try to enable vorpX it creates 4 displays. The game is shattered horizon, and I know that it isn’t going to work perfect with vorpX, but how in the world does this happen?
The game is not officially supported yet, so I can’t tell for sure what’s going on there. It looks like a nice fit for the Rift though, so I will look into it.
In case you started the game through a vorpX desktop shortcut, please try to disable the watcher (right click the tray icon > Disable Watcher)
@Ralf Tried that, and all combo’s of watcher and short cuts. Doesn’t work. It either stays quadrupled or you don’t get vorpX to load. Highly rate this game as prospect though as the hud is centre screen. Unfortunately there is no free look in game via a second controller.
I’ll look into it over the course of the next week. This shouldn’t even be possible without using a shortcut + having the watcher enabled. Seems I overlooked something… With a little bit of luck creating a profile for the game will be sufficient.