Quest 2 Custom Resolution

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    Is it possible to utilize the 5408 x 2736 resolution on the Quest 2 for Vorpx games. I was unable to custom add the resolution so I was wondering if there is any other way to run the headset at this resolution.


    If you can’t add that particular resolution as a custom resolution, there is no way.

    Assuming that’s the resolution you use for streaming to the headset: the game res in not sent unaltered to the headset anyway, so there is no real point in exactly matching game res and encoding res.

    adrian J

    I added custom resolution in nvidia control panel 1832×1920

    Then simply supersample 1.3 , 1.4 etc -mine is always on 1.4
    In oculus device setting

    Works a treat, see if you can do same

    adrian J

    Ps re.super sample in oculus obviously depends on your Cpu/Gpu power

    The 1832×1920 custom res will give you the perfect aspect for your quest 2 ,
    use super sample to enhance clarity


    Thanks for recommendation I will try this, it just did not seem very clear in the headset when playing titanfall 2 and things were quite blurry even after doing 1.4 in oculus device and 4k in the game settings but I will try again.


    So when you put this custom resolution in the nvidia control panel, do you then want to make that the monitor resolution or do you set the resolution of the game in the nvidia control panel to the quest 2 1832×1920?

    adrian J

    No but you have to press “test” for it to work
    -it should work , then it’s added to the list of available resolutions

    You only then need to select that resolution
    ( 1832×1920 ) in the in-game options it should appear there in the list

    This will give you the perfect aspect for the quest2
    Use supersample in the pc oculus app for the resolution quality


    Setting supersampling in the Oculus app has no effect. vorpX works quite a bit different compared to native VR apps. First the game gets rendered at its own resolution, then in a second step vorpX sends the image to the headset. The supersampling set in the Oculus app would theoretically affect the second step, but actually doesn’t since vorpX figures out a suitable resolution for the second step based on the game resolution.

    Long story short: all you have to to care about is the game resolution. The higher you set the game res the better quality wise, but obviously you have to keep an eye on performance. Your 1832×1920 are fairly high already.

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