Got a Quest 2, fresh out of the box, freshly updated, latest driver versions.
I got the Oculus PC app, made sure that was the latest version, got the Quest 2 sync’ed up via AirLink. When trying to boot anything (mostly just trying Desktop Viewer for now), I get the ‘No Oculus Headset Found’ error. In the Oculus App, it shows the Quest 2 connected, and on the Quest 2, it shows the desktop connected.
I just purchased VorpX today, so it’s the latest version, I’m assuming (21.3.2).
Things I’ve tried:
-Everything in the Basic Troubleshooting thread
-Updating video drivers
-Hooking the Quest 2 to the Desktop wired (but this isn’t a link cable; that arrives Saturday)
-Updating to beta version of Oculus PC app
-Changing the headset device in config to OpenXR
-Turning on Alternative Hooking Method
Looking for any ideas! Everything is brand new with regards to the device/VorpX, and the computer’s only a year old, help would be greatly appreciated.
-Win10 Pro, AMD 5900x
-RTX 3080 Gaming X Trio
-Gigabit-capable router, same room under 10 feet away, computer connected via wired ethernet