When we set a resolution for a game in Cv1,for example 1280×1024 game running in Vorpx…
Is this shared all resolution between the two screens,or total resolution is represented twice being one for each separate screen?
This doubt is exclusive to work with Vorpx,standard behavior with native games is out of the question.
1280×1024 is a middle resolution considering performance and quality. If you want better resolution in games, create custome resolution 1920×1440 in your graphics card settings, then run the game in that resolution. You can also use a trick with oculus debugger to increase pixel ratio, one of the forum posts explains how, it will make image clealerer. Using that and having 1920×1440 in-game resolution will really make the experience better.
After this, the only thing I could have wished if resolution of the oculus retina displays was a bit higher, then it would be a winner. To get above described working well, you need latest GPU. – GTX 1070, 1080. Both, pixel ratio and high resolution, will put extra load on your GPU, anything below 980, will struggle badly, and even 980 may have a problem to support both tricks while keeping good steady fps.