Question about VorpX and DLSS 3

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    Hi !
    With DLSS 3 coming out in few days with the new 4000 RTX GPU, i was wondering if it should work out of the box for VorpX, or if the interpolated frame generated by the IA between each real frame could messup something ?


    Can’t tell yet, I’m curious myself though. At least for alternate frame 3d that sounds like a recipe for desaster. You certainly don’t want the left/right eye switching to be considered in interpolated frames.

    Unlike the supersampling part (or actually rendering-at-lower-res-and-upscale part when you cut the marketing crap, which pretty much is the exact opposite of supersampling) the frame interpolation part won’t make much sense for vorpX anyway since it does its own frame interpolation before you get to see a final image in the headset.


    Well, i’ll get my hand on a RTX 4090 FE as soon as possible to see for myself, depending on their availability.

    I will update this post for feed back.


    The best case (except from it working, but somehow never interfering, which would of course be the very best case) would be the upscaling happening inside the game like current DLSS, but the frame interpolation within the GPU driver after vorpX grabbed the image. I that case it would pretty much work like DLSS 2.0 does as far as vorpX is concerned, plus potential improvements they might have in store for the AI upscaling.


    Ah, I see.
    In the worst case, the frame interpolation can be deactivated in the DLSS options while keeping the upscaling and latence reduction feature.


    Hopefully the frame interpolation will somehow work really well in non-AFR solutions (G3D, Z3D, native VR). All current versions of frame-interpolation in VR have their drawbacks. Would be good to have yet another alternative.

    Once someone gets their mitts on a 4090 I would love to seem some performance reports re: vorpX titles.


    I’m checking everyday the Nvidia’s store for the Founder Edition… i hope it will get approvisioned soon.
    I don’t plan on spending more than the FE price, as 1950€ is already a lot of cash.


    People are willing to spend 1600 on a video card? lmao
    Isn’t it supposed to be the Titan class not for gamers?


    -First, i do CGI, that’s why i don’t mind spending more money than average consumers on hardware, because it’s a tool… and because i have the budget locked since few month already.

    -Second, reguarding VR, i have a 3090 and it’s not enough to play at 4k for each eyes with maxed settings, or even high settings with 50 fps at minimum it’s painfull. That’s why i did not upgrade to a 3090TI, not much improvement.

    -Last, the 4090 is not a “pro” card. pros that need ultimate performance would buy a Quadro, not a RTX, making the 4090 looks like a cheap card at 65% discount.

    The 4090 is a niche card; if it was not for CGI and VR, i would have no reasons the upgrade from my 3090.


    Exactly, the GPUs required for a good VR experience are vastly more expensive than otherwise. CP2077 will run just fine, even with RT, on a ‘lowly’ 2080 Super, as long as you aren’t pushing the types of massive resolutions VR requires. For good VR however, we will be able to push the 4090 (and 4090Ti) when available right to the limit of the hardware. VR will take very bit of performance you can throw at it.


    Okay, quick update on the matter since i installed my 4090 today.
    First, it’s seems like a monster and a big upgrade from my 3090 (FE) even without DLSS 3.0.
    I couldn’t test DLSS 3 yet, but i’m running Cyberpunk 2077 (VorpX version, not the dedicated VR mod, so it’s only Z3D) everything maxout at 4k with DLSS 2.0 set on “balanced”, and it’s butter smooth with a detailed image.
    I’m using a reverb G2 and the biggest limitation seemed the refresh rate (90hz only).
    While driving the fasted car at high speed, i had some regular stutter which seemed to be loading a new zone. I will test further about this stuttering.

    Seems like DLSS 3.0 need the new update so i will download it tonight and test tomorrow.
    I will test later with the dedicated VR mod, real 3D should be more impacting than Z3D.

    Outside VorpX, i tested Resident Evil 2 VR (Praydog mod) to try the raytracing version… it seems like the 4090 just don’t give a damn : 4k everything maxed out, even rendered the game at 130% in the lab, i don’t think i lost much FPS from 100%
    Again, it seems that my headset’s refresh rate is the biggest limitation.

    This was short tests sessions as i didn’t have much time after work.

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