Question about XBox controller use

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    When i tried to use my xBox controller in The Witcher 3 (v1.31), vorpX said something along the lines “gamepad detected, please disable the motion controllers in vorpX menu to avoid conflicts”. I understand that hint, but for the life of me i can’t find a setting where i can disable the motion controllers and enable the gamepad. There are many settings related to controls, but none seems to apply to disabling the motion controllers…

    What is the name of this setting, so i can look specifically?


    There is a motion controller page in the vorpX menu, which let’s you disable motion controllers entirely.

    On a sidenote: If you happen to use the 23.1.0 beta, try the motion controller gestures. Even just one or two common gestures can add a lot immersion to a game. A brief introduction can be found in the video that is linked in the beta post.


    I’m using the regular version of vorpX (with Reverb G2).

    Unfortunately, i still haven’t found a “disable motion controllers” option. There are two pages in the in-game menu that relate to controls (sorry for the blurry screenshots, TTL is difficult):

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    Is that option missing in my setup?


    BTW, when i tried starting TW3 without switching-on the WMR controllers – the xBox controller worked, but the right stick (camera) did not. I made sure to disable all software that could interfere (reWASD and STEAM were *not* running).

    In essence i want to play TW3 in vorpX with xBox controller, so that i have the analog movement and some other advantages over the WMR controllers. That’s the reason i’m trying to solve this issue.


    ‘Controller Mode’ can be set to ‘Off’.


    Ah, got it, thank you! And it seems to work. The right stick changes the button prompts to keyboard, but i guess this is needed for the headtracking to work.

    One last question, because this is giving me problems. The gamepad shortcut for vorpX menu is “press left stick”. Unfortunately this breaks the Witcher 3 shortcut for “call horse” (“double press left stick”).

    Is it possible to change the vorpX menu shortcut to “long press left stick”? It would be more logical as well, because when i need the vorpX menu, i’m never in a hurry.

    If this is not possible, what’s the workaround here, besides completely disabling the menu shortcut? Obviously TW3 cannot sacrifice any of the gamepad keys (it needs them all), and the “edge peek” shortcut is too important to disable.


    That won’t work since it would interfere with games that have an action assigned to holding the stick button down (e.g. often used for running).

    You can however change the vorpX shortcuts to start/menu or disable them altogether on the Input page of the menu.


    Yes, that worked! I didn’t realize that the start/menu buttons on the gamepad are better contenders. And if i want to switch between motion controllers to gamepad every other game session, it’s seems to be best practice to either use the controllers, or just leave them off and only turn on the gamepad. VorpX does adapt to the current config. And one of the advantages of WMR is that it can be used with an xBox controller. :)

    The only thing that i still need to figure out is that at low stick deviations (= slow camera), the camera starts to feel jerky (“ruckeln”). It seems that the data is not interpolated at very slow speeds. Hmm, maybe i could try to raise the DPI of my mouse driver, and lower the sensitivity in game… Not sure if it will make a difference.


    The solution for the grainy camera control at low speeds was simple. (Different DPI settings for the mouse didn’t have any effect, btw.)

    In the vorpX menu, i discovered thumbstick sensitivity settings for the gamepad and set the right stick very high (1.00), while setting the mouse sensitivity in-game very low (0.15). Now super slow camera movements are very smooth, and i can take my time when enjoying the diverse beauty of the Witcher world. :)

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