Question Flatout 2…

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    I was wondering in what way Flatout 2 is supported? Is it only 3d on a big screen or
    does it have full VR. Can you look around while sitting in the car? (G3d or the other 3d?)

    The game supported game list doesn’t differentiate in what way the games are supported. Would be handy!:) (screen/direct VR/s3d)


    The game has no cockpit view, so it’s ‘just’ immersive screen mode. Geometry 3D was added with the last vorpX update.


    Ok, tnx for the info Ralph!

    Is there a list somewhere for games that are only for screen mode?
    It would be handy for when you want to buy a game because it is on the support list.
    (for people that are not interested in screen mode)


    You can switch to FullVR mode for every game if you want, the default is just what I think makes most sense for a game.

    First person games always default to FullVR, third person games usually default to immersive screen mode since that makes more sense for third person. Many third person games are also enjoyable in FullVR though if you want to do that. May involve some old-style manual FOV tweaking though if vorpX can’t do that automatically.

    For cockpit (racing) games you should check whether a game has a cockpit perspective and ideally TrackIR support (to be used with OpenTrack).


    Ok,tnx Ralph,have a nice one!

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