Question for other Generic 3D users

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    I’ve been trying to migrate away from TriDEF for a couple years now, and am trying VorpX again with the Generic 3D mode. I’ve read the disclaimer that this will not be officially supported, which I understand, so I’m asking if other users have any suggestions.
    Using Oblivion, Skyrim and SkyrimSE as examples, I can’t get the pixel aspect ratio correct. In all three games, everything is half-width. Trying full screen/windowed/borderless window doesn’t get rid of this. I’ve done a fresh Win10 install, fresh drivers, and tried various resolutions and aspect ratios, but tall of these games seem to think they are rendering at twice it’s actual width, then that is getting horizontally squeezed.

    Example Images:

    I appreciate any suggestions!
    Thanks, Mark


    vorpX SBS output works like typical movie SBS. Double wide output isn’t supported currently. If for example you play a game at 1920×1080 the resulting SBS image will also be 1920×1080, just horizontally squeezed. That’s what most devices that consume SBS as input expect usually, at least I think so. More unusual output modes including double wide SBS *might* follow at some point, but I don’t really have a timeline for that.

    However, internally each eye gets indeed rendered at full res with vorpX, so while you lose some sharpness from the squeezing/re-stretching, it’s not as bad as rendering each eye at half res. In the 1920×1080 example you essentially get 960×1080 per eye with 2×1 supersampling.


    It doesn’t look like horizontal squeezing to me. The vorpx image has a higher fov.


    I did change the FOV, tried values from 30 to 180. It made the distortion even worse.

    I appreciate that this feature may get added at some point, in the meantime I’ll make do with what I have.

    Thanks, Mark


    Out of curiosity: what do you need this double wide SBS output for? Strikes me as rather unusual, all SBS content I personally came across in the past looked like what vorpX does.


    I use a pair of LCD projectors with “Omega 3D” passive glasses/filters (non polarized). In “Setup multiple monitors” the projectors are arranged as being side-by-side with “zero bezel.” You get a bright, full-HD SBS image of 3840×1080 exactly fits with no resolution loss or scaling artifacts. No special screen or emitters.

    When I built this, IZ3D and TriDef were full speed ahead, and it never occurred to me that we would lose both of them. Things change, and VR is the future now. I really like the big screen and sofa, though. When I’m doing isn’t super popular, and often it takes a while for solutions to be developed.

    Thanks, Mark

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