hay just want to ask i am having problem with vorpx i have sied to you before i ask if it would be easyer to reinstall windows. as i was going thro all my data i found a vorpx file looks like an error log it sied ERR: MemoryBuffer: Could not open file: C:\Windows\system32\data0.vpa
ERR: MemoryBuffer: Could not open file: C:\Windows\system32\vorpX.dll
would this be the couse of my problem were vorpx will not lunch at all
and yes before you ask no anti viris yes i reinstalled it and yes theres no conflics programs runing but if you could send me a vorpx.dll or any info on why please say
These aren’t real files, they just exist in memory, so there is nothing I can send you. The error is still strange and probably prevents vorpX from working correctly. I would suggest to try running vorpX as administrator (or not as administrator if you do so currently).
i have tryed that sins i had this probelm and i have did conpatibleiy stuff as well so my last thing to do it reinstall wondows and hope that works or i am fucked lol thansk for replaying