Very happy to hear you will be releasing FSX DK2 compatibility with the next update…quick question …are you able to get better 3D in the cockpit? DK1 had a very flat cockpit. Prepar3D a clone of FSX is able to get an excellent 3D cockpit …hoping you can too. Thanks Ralf.
“Sorry has Ralf released any kind of info regarding the games included in the next release? I haven’t seen anything.” …yes he has with regards to FSX…in the Oculus forums..he said he had FSX working but still had some testing to do.
Not sure whether the cockpit issue can be resolved. Currently I’m not even sure what causes it, TBH. My guess is that FSX renders the cockpits in a different pass that for some reason is not treated the same way as the rest of the scene.
I’ll take a look at it, bit without access to the source the code this might be hard to resolve.
It seems with Prepar3D if you have a developers license you get access to the source code which should be almost identical to FSX code. The people who got Prepar3D working with the DK2 do not work for Lockheed Martin(Prepar3D). Getting into the code seems to be the only way…Thanks for the effort though Ralf