Longer answer: Judging from my DIY-prototype, which is very similar to the actual 7″ devkit, except for the tracker, I’m sure you won’t have any reason to complain. :-) There is room for improvement, no doubt about that. But the current devkit is absolutely able to deliver some great VR experiences.
I was wondering if you have both a 7″ and a 5.6″ DIY Rift of your own, and how you think the 7″ compares to the 5.6″. It seemed like a lot of people loved the 5.6″ and many seemed to feel compelled to comment on the resolution of the 7″ shipping model. Also, have you had the chance to build a high resolution DIY HMD, and how does that compare?
Unfortunately I have nothing to compare. The resolution could be better of course, but it’s really not that bad, provided you don’t look at it with a tech-geeks eyes. Look at the picture, not the pixels. :)