On top of which the game won’t let you run it with a different name.. instead it’ll download the exe with the correct name and launch that one as it seems to be part of an attempt to fix things if any of the files don’t match official version.
Is there a work around? Kind of sounds like no, which as much as I love the software.. I really don’t like. Some kind of way to hack around it?
I realize you don’t want to confuse people by making official profile not work but would be really nice if you could add another profile that matches official profile, then in official profile you just alert them that’s it’s being overwritten whether they look at it or in one of those messages that pop up when you launch game.
It made be done like this by design.. but sorry to say it.. it’s a bad design. Not the first time I’ve encountered this and simply not been able to use it with a program.