@Ralf.. Impossible to run DeadSpace remake due to same name as original

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion @Ralf.. Impossible to run DeadSpace remake due to same name as original

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    On top of which the game won’t let you run it with a different name.. instead it’ll download the exe with the correct name and launch that one as it seems to be part of an attempt to fix things if any of the files don’t match official version.

    Is there a work around? Kind of sounds like no, which as much as I love the software.. I really don’t like. Some kind of way to hack around it?

    I realize you don’t want to confuse people by making official profile not work but would be really nice if you could add another profile that matches official profile, then in official profile you just alert them that’s it’s being overwritten whether they look at it or in one of those messages that pop up when you launch game.

    It made be done like this by design.. but sorry to say it.. it’s a bad design. Not the first time I’ve encountered this and simply not been able to use it with a program.


    Some games may refuse to start with this workaround, but most of the time making a copy of a game’s main .exe and using that instead of the original .exe does the trick.


    @Ralf As stated, that work around doesn’t work for this game.


    Sorry, overlooked that you mentioned that in your post. I have the game in my Steam library. Will check whether something is possible.


    Thanks, I know you must be busy and get this a lot from people who haven’t done their research, I appreciate it Ralf. I’m sure the community would be happy to brainstorm with you if you wanted others thoughts on how this should work.

    I appreciate you want official profiles to work without fiddling but it does seem like some work around would be really nice.

    Think I encountered this before with another remake or sequel that had same name as original. Portal RTX maybe? Perhaps rename would’ve worked with that one but would be really nice to have a more robust work around.

    Thanks again


    has this been fixed somehow?


    this was some months ago


    I hope that there will be a better, less restrictive solution for how VorpX handles profiles. Unfortunately these days remakes/remasters a very popular, and publishers/developers have no regard for the older version they’re replacing, often naming the new game and/or the executable the same way. And by now most VorpX users know that renaming an EXE doesn’t always work.

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