The game screen is stretched and deformed in FULL VR mode

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    Why do some games in FULL VR look stretched and distorted from a distance?

    It feels as if the distant picture has been stretched, which is very unnatural, especially when I turn my head left and right to observe the picture, I have adjusted the game resolution to 1200*1080, which still cannot be solved with the same resolution as the VR headset. The strange thing is that some games don’t have this problem.

    I have prepared a picture to illustrate the problem: you look at the picture link


    In FullVR mode the game‘s camera field of view and the headset FOV have to match, otherwise the image will look distorted. For many supported games vorpX can handle that automatically, but for others you have to do it yourself.

    The help that comes with vorpX contains two guides that explain how to do that. the first one is the ‚Essential Hints‘ guide, the second one the ‚1-2-3 Game Setup‘ guide. Read both, the first one is a bit more theoretical, the second is a practical step-by-step guide.

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