RDR 2 custom resollution

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    I have a ultra wide monitor with a resolution of 3440 x 1440.

    GPU is AMD 6900xt
    VR is WMR Samsung Odyssey +

    Do I need to do anything special to get the best experience with RDR 2 in VR with VorpX?
    Do I still need to use the FoV mod or is all that included now?

    What custom resolution should I add to my AMD gpu on this monitor?


    Please check the message in the top/left corner of the game window. It answers both your questions.


    I think the message is being cut off because of the aspect ratio of the 21×9.

    I have…Show did you know hints on start checked and…Hide less important notifications unchecked.

    Don’t optimize game settings is also unchecked.

    When starting the game it goes to my default resolution in the game menu says 3440×1440. Even after VorpX asks me to restart the game, the resolution of the game is still at 3440×1440


    How odd, never heard of that before or experienced that here on an ultra wide monitor. Just in case: I meant the instructions message in the game window on your monitor.

    Anyway, vorpX doesn’t set the resolution automatically in this case, but as always with FullVR games a 4:3 res (e.g. 1920×1440) is what you want.

    Whenever vorpX can set the resolution, it displays an according notification in the headset and you have the ‘Resolution Quality’ option on the DirectVR page of the vorpX menu. Otherwise you have to set a res yourself. Rule of thumb: 4:3 for FullVR, 16:9 for immersive screen/cinema.


    Great, thanks a bunch


    If you can set the resolution to the individual eye resolution of your headset i would suggest doing that, it is the best way to play RDR2 that gives good quality visuals & good performance from my experience, i then use the resolution upscale slider & put it as high as i can without losing performance. Custom resolution i use for the Oculus Rift S is 1280×1440 or for the Vive Cosmos 1440×1700 (Rift S work better for me than the Vive).


    While that is generally correct, using a slightly wider res has its benefits with vorpX. I typically recommend 4:3 for ease of use.

    Why that? vorpX has its own frame interpolation, which, in contrast to the headset runtime interpolation methods, can utilize the extra pixels when interpolating from e.g. 45fps to 90fps. I.e. you have less black sliding in from the sides when you turn your head left or right with frame interpolation.

    So while performance wise the individual eye res is best, for the overall experience something slightly wider (like 4:3) can be beneficial.


    Decided to try the resolution of the Vive (1440×1700) while using the Rift S & it works much better, pretty much no noticeable side bar parts when turning my head now making the experience feel even smoother.

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