RDR2 crashing

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    I have a strange problem, i used to play RDR2 with VorpX offline & it worked fine but now i can’t start the game offline no matter what i do (contacted R* support but they just give robotic response that fixes nothing).

    I can start the game if i am online with & without Vorpx but if i then disconnect from the internet while using VorpX when the little pop up notification from Rockstar’s social club pops up saying i am now offline the game crashes (it does not crash straight away as it takes a minute or so for the social club pop up to appear, when the pop up notification shows up that is when the game crashes).

    Disconnecting without using VorpX the game does not crash, so it seems that the social club pop up is the culprit that is making it crash when using VorpX, so the only way i can play the game is either without VorpX which i do not want to do or staying online all the time which i can’t do, anyone know how to fix this?


    Never mind i figured out a way to get it working, if i start the game connected to the internet & then disconnect while on the main menu before loading into the game or changing the resolution scale it does not crash & i can play offline, it seems that the social club pop up notifications trigger a memory error if already in the game with the resolution scale adjusted.

    Game still won’t let me start offline at all though no matter what i do, it always gives me the “Activation Required” nonsense, i have a strong dislike for game companies that force people to go online when there is no need for it, should only have to go online for online gaming.

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