Re7 control’s

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    So now i got the game working and it looks somewhat decent. But now im having trouble with the controls. So say im using a knock off xbox remote. The buttons are the same. Does anyone know how to change the button prompts in game? Also whenever i hit r3 to crouch it changes the the vr screen. If someone could help id appreciate it. This is so overwhelming.


    This is one of the games that have problems with simultaneous mouse and gamepad input. Since vorpX emulates a mouse for head tracking, the gamepad cannot be used natively and instead vorpX maps the gamapad to mouse/keyboard actions. Hence you don’t see the gamepad prompts in the game.

    As far as switching to EdgePeek (the vr screen) with the R3 button is concerned, you can change that in the vorpX menu (input page).


    What is the exact option though? I read you could change it to make the long press bring up the vorpx options?


    You can remap the vorpX functions to menu/select instead or disable them entirely.

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