there is no way to have a real gamepad while playing? I know the “gamepad override” option but its not a gamepad gameplay its a mapping of the keyboard on the gamepad and its workss very bad.
I don’t speak English.. and in these 150 options to click on, I can’t find which option to deactivate or activate to have the normal operation of the controller.. please help
I know
“some games do not like mouse and gamepad input at the same time. So whenever that is the case and vorpX has to emulate a mouse for head tracking”
but some game allow it. And I dont care about headtraking.
and vorpx mappping keyboard is ducked, I can go left, right, back but I cant go foward and I cant remap it.
razlf said
“After a succesful DirectVR scan vorpX does not have to emulate a mouse for head tracking anymore and turns off the override. You can then use your gamepad natively.”
but i dont find directvr sacan option.. I saw “try alt+L” but that do nothing
Not all games have DirectVR, if you try Alt+L and nothing happens chances are the game you’re trying doesn’t. When starting a game for the first time you should get all of vorpX advices in the top left corner of the window in your monitor and also tell you whether it has DirectVR or not and how to use Alt+L.
Never really tried the gamepad override, vr controls make for lousy gamepads; i would recommend you to save for a ps4 controller.