Recording Gameplay While Using Vorpx?

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    Does anyone know how to record gameplay while using Vorpx, i have tried to use OBS with different capture methods & AMD’s recording utility but they have only managed to record the game sound with no picture, i have searched for guides & videos but did not find anything helpful.

    A step by step guide would be appreciated if it is possible.


    have you used the openvr plugin for OBS??


    Yeah, just tried that, still does not record the picture, even if it was recording a picture & not just sound it looks like that would only capture the Steam VR home room, i don’t play using Steam i use the Rockstar launcher.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.


    It doesn’t matter how you launch the game. When working obs will capture whatever is displayed in your headset. Have you tried running obs with admin rights


    Yeah, i use obs without problem recording games or recording oculus mirror but when using Vorpx it does not allow me to record the video, only the sound shows up when i play back the recording, i’ll try with admin rights…nope, still no picture. Thanks though.


    When you run games windowed, you can have a headset mirror window open at the same time and record that with pretty much any recording app that is able to grab a specific window.

    All major VR runtime apps let you open a mirror window. For SteamVR and Oculus you can either open it from their options or (with enabled expert settings) can open one from the vorpX menu (display page). WMR’s mirror window is always active.


    Nope, just tried it in windowed mode trying to capture the oculus mirror but still only recording the sound with no video.


    I just found my problem, was nothing to do with Vorpx, turns out it was my video player that was not playing the videos properly, working now that i updated it, sorry for the confusion folks.

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