Hi all,
I got my registration key yesterday and tried to activate this driver. Unfortunately I can’t do this. Even if I try to do so, I receive an Error which says that my registration information could not be validated (See Screenshot:
. For me it seems that the tool can’t connect to any Server.
I tried the following to solve this Issue but without success:
– Deactivated the AntiVirus (AntiVir, deactivated the service of it too)
– Added the exeption for the whole folder of VorpX
– Software Firewall is deactivated anyway
– Tried to start the tool with administrator permissions
– I do copy the whole Name inclusive email from the registration mail
Because of the Error-Message, for me it seems that there is no problem with the key but with the connection to the server. Does anybody of you have an Idea how to solve this Issue? By the way, which Port is it using? Maybe I have to configure a port forwarding on my HW-Firewall?
Many thanks in advance!