Reinstalling windows

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    I have a habit of reinstalling my OS every 6-9 months, and I’m just wondering how that goes in regard to the license rules. It says I am allowed to install the software on two machines at most. However, I just need it on my home PC only, but since I want a fresh install every now and then, does the company count every new install with VorpX to the limit?

    Or rather… Will I need to purchase a new license every two new installs? Or, how does it work if that’s not the case?


    Ahoy back!

    Just send a mail to support |@| and this will be taken care of.


    Ah, very well. Thank you for the response. This was merely a query for the future, because I just asked for a key for the second time since I purchased my license.

    But good to know for next time I reinstall Windows.

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