Remote Play PC for PS4

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  • #91618

    Hi Ralph,
    I recently tested this application that allows to stream my son’s PS4 game to my PC.
    The game is displayed 720p in a windows (and it can t be set on fullscreen for the moment)
    Because I am a fan, i tried it with vorpx hoping for a cinema mode but the image freeze in real Vorpx 3Dmode and so does VorpX in fact.
    Have you any plans to support that or a trick to make it work ?

    Thanks for your answer


    How is this application called? No promises, but I will look into it. Just need to know what to look for.


    Oh thanks for your answer.
    It’s called Remote Play PC. You can find it here.
    It begins to be very popular and I must admit I am enjoying playing Bloodborne on my computer without having to buy another PS4.
    Anyways if you have time, it will be cool to take a look. If not, thanks for all your work anyways :)


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