Request: Don't occupy tracker when headtracking disabled

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Request: Don't occupy tracker when headtracking disabled

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    As per title is there any chance Vorpx can not occupy the tracker when headtracking is disabled. There are a few ISI (rfactor) based games I use that have their own headtracking plugins that won’t work with Vorpx as it steals the tracker before they get to it. Tridef also used to do this but they fixed it after a request.



    This was requested a few times already and will finally get implemented in the next release. :)

    In the meantime you can still use external tracker programs btw. Just ignore the warning vorpX generates.


    Thanks man, can’t wait. :)

    Unfortunately the way the games work the tracking is a plugin that only gets activated ~15 seconds after you enter gameplay from the menu. Where as Vorpx steals it as the program launches. The work around we’ve been using is another program you launch first that takes the tracker and then releases it a set amount of time after the game launches.

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