[REQUEST] Female lounge body form

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion [REQUEST] Female lounge body form

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  • #111234

    I have been asked quite a few times why the lounge body form is only male and why is VorpX sexist?

    So, at the request of several females, could that be fixed please?
    Note, maybe expend on that and have several ages as well.


    I have been asked quite a few times why the lounge body form is only male and why is VorpX sexist?

    So, at the request of several females, could that be fixed please?
    Note, maybe expend on that and have several ages as well.

    Who says the lounge body is even male???


    I sure hope to god your joking… If your friend actually asked why is vorpx “sexist” then good lord go find a new friend… Having 1 body style doesn’t make ANYTHING sexist… Sure another figure mite be cool but not having one is NOT sexist. Besides everyone knows that the body form vorpx uses is in fact a hermaphrodite, some say that the only way to see what the body’s face looks like is to have another player find you and tell you…


    Id rather Ralf focus on important fixes to the software than these petty issues


    “at the request of several females”

    That says it all to be honest..


    Although not a super high priority I don’t think this wish is totally unreasonable. A female avatar was even actually modeled when the Cinema Mode was introduced, it just didn’t make it into the final scene. I’m not sure whether it will be included this time, but it’s one of those things on the nice-to-have-list that eventually will be done.


    Thank you Ralf, appreciate the reply.

    To other: Aside from being sexist there is no reason to dis female players, nor is there a valid reason to be rude

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