Using Quest2 with Oculus Desktop app. and Geforce 3080 Ti. Works very well with RE (8) Village (after pressing play in Steam) but with RE 2 and 7, the screen just goes black after I press play in steam and after the game intro starts. I tried the beta non RT versions but no luck. Is there a specific profile or driver I need to look for?
Signing up to the ‘dx11-no-rt’ beta in Steam will help (right click game in list, click properties, go to beta page). It’s not really a beta, but in fact the last build before they removed dx11 support a while ago.
ok I got RE 7 working! I read somewhere that the previous folder needs to be trashed before installing the so-called Dx 11 beta version. Now I need to find out how to get rid of all the game pad jank when I go into full VR view. I keep accidently turning on some steam menu. I’ll keep reading.