Resident Evil 5 [rjkole] black screen

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    I’ve tried all of the the basic tricks and methods that normally work to get this running, but even though the screen shows on my monitor, the helmet is all black, any help appreciated (running the dx9 executable)


    again.. I had to reboot multiple times and then it worked.. I don’t know if it’s an issue because I am using a HP Reverb G2 or what.. is there a way to delete posts so I don’t waste anyone’s time/energy?


    I had a weird issue with the G2 two or three days ago too, where games only worked every 3rd time or so because apparently OpenXR wasn’t initialized correctly. When the issue occured, the vorpX log got flooded with OpenXR error messages concerning invalid headset poses. Not sure what to make of that. Was gone the next day for me…

    You can check whether it’s the same for you by saving a trouble shoot data archive to the desktop (config app/trouble shoot). The logfile in question is called vorpX.log.

    A potential workaround might be switching to SteamVR instead of OpenXR.


    holy crap I think switching to Steam VR worked. There should be a sticky post about this. You were right it would only work once in a while.. constant rebooting. Super infuriating. Esp since my headset is primary for VorpX. Thank you!


    I made some changes a few days ago in that respect. Provided your issue is the same as the one I had here, vorpX will be able to deal better with it. I.e. you’ll get an image, although due to the invalid headset poses tracking won’t work. For me simply restarting the WMR portal seems to do the trick whenever that happens. I’ll probably add some hint recommending that if tracking doesn’t kick in after x seconds.

    Really weird issue. Never had that even once while implementing OpenXR earlier this year. All I can assume is that there must have been some changes to the WMR OpenXR runtime that trigger it.


    I had zero image whatsoever in the headset (sometimes a white dot) just a black screen, but thank you for your attention to the issue. Unfortunately restarting the portal has no effect. I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve put into this fantastic product. I will say when running in SteamVR there is a significant performance hit, but hey.. it works


    I know, that’s what I had here too, turned out to be the issue I described above.

    You can check whether it’s the same for you by saving a trouble shoot data archive to the desktop (config app/trouble shoot). The logfile in question is called vorpX.log.

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