Resident Evil 7: VHS Video Segments and Vive

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    Ralf, great update!

    I am having a good time with resident evil 7 on the vive. I notice the video sections are really difficult to play for me because the images come up as blurry double images. You can kinda fumble your way through the first one, but once the second one comes up, which requires a significant time in this mode to complete, it’s impossible to get through without fighting through some discomfort.

    I’ve concluded it would be best to just play those segments outside of VR… but if this is ever something on your radar to address, please let me know if I can give you some log files or something to help.

    Thanks again for continuing to work on vorpx. It aged like a fine wine :D


    yeah i got the same issue.. too bad otherwise it’s blast playing re7 in VR.


    For the next update I will set a profile flag in the RE7 profile that disables stereo 3D in EdgePeek mode. That way you will be able to watch cutscenes etc. without issues in EdgePeek mode. Will be out within the next few days since a hotfix is required anyway for something else.


    cool :)

    thanks Ralf !


    Update: the offending effect is fixed. Interactive VHS sequences will be playable normally with the upcoming hotfix.


    wow amazing ! :)

    thanks again Ralf, that was fast.


    Hi Ralf. Thanks again for sorting RE7.

    I had a query in the main RE7 thread regarding the enabling of the xbox pad buttons.

    I’ve set override to full (other options disable movement) but can now only move and X/B are the only buttons that do anything and the game only shows keyboard prompts.

    Do I need to remap the bindings or is there a simpler way?



    The override needs to be on, I’ll provide a better default mapping with the next version.

    Re-mapping yourself isn’t too hard though, I usually do that by briefly checking what the most important things are mapped to in the game’s option menu and then assign the keys to the gamepad in the vorpX menu. Not much work.

    You can also use Vive/Touch controllers if available, they show the current keybindings on the rendered controller. This way there is no disconnect between the on-screen prompts of the game and the buttons on your controller.


    The override needs to be on, I’ll provide a better default mapping with the next version.

    Re-mapping yourself isn’t too hard though, I usually do that by briefly checking what the most important things are mapped to in the game’s option menu and then assign the keys to the gamepad in the vorpX menu. Not much work.

    You can also use Vive/Touch controllers if available, they show the current keybindings on the rendered controller. This way there is no disconnect between the on-screen prompts of the game and the buttons on your controller.

    OK thanks Ralf I’ll have a look at the bindings – hopefully this evening.

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