Resident evil 7issues

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    Hey everyone im haveing the hardest time getting this game to run. After the first cut scene it says “fatal application exit” than it says present failed hresult=0x887a0005 the get deviceremovedreason to determine appropriate action. I appreciate any help. Im super bummed i cant get it to work. Thank you.


    Please try to switch the game from fullscreen to windowed (or vice versa) in the game’s video option. Both should work normally, but playing windowed can help with odd issues like this one.

    If you happen to play on a gaming laptop, please also make sure that the game starts on the dedicated GPU.

    And last but not least please make sure that nothing is running on your PC that also hooks into the graphics pipeline of games. I.e. GPU/CPU tools of any kind, chat software like Discord, Skype etc., graphics mods, generally close everything that can display overlays in games.


    I just installed Vorpx after a longer period of time to try my RTX 3080 and Reverb G2 Headset. I started RE7 and I got pink spikes in the SteamVR performance graph all over the place, maybe 10 frames per second at most. SteamVR games work fine with other games, 100% resolution 90 frames. GPU load is not even high but pink spikes everywhere with lost frames so unplayable.

    Any idea what the cause might be? Thanks. Changing the ingame resolution didn’t help.


    There is an issue with current nVidia drivers that may lead to spikes like that, BTW worsened by performance measuring tools:


    Thanks – I know about the driver issues and I have a lost frame every 20 seconds or so in other games but with VorpX it’s more like 20 lost frames per second, it’s extreme. No idea how to make a screenshot of this but I never saw something like that. It’s even in the menu.

    Edit: Tried Cyberpunk, same problems and completely unusable so it’s not a RE7 problem. No idea what causes it since STeamVR and even Revive work perfect on my systems with no performance issues. GPU Load at about 100% even in low seetings and resolution.


    Ok, I have no idea what helped but it’s fixed now – maybe a glitch in the WMR software or whatever.


    Im having the same issue. I just bought the game a few days ago and the same thing happens. As soon as the cut scene ends, I get the same error.

    I have a gaming laptop, but if I start the game on a dedicated GPU, how do I go back to the other gpu since the dedicated one won’t be able to run the game.

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