Resume Watcher command ?

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    I want to write a little tool that let me “Resume Watcher” more precisely by simply delaying “Resume Watcher” for certain games. Therefore i woulk like to ask is there a command line option that i could use like C:\..\vorpcontrol.exe /resume or similar ?


    If you don’t want vorpX to hook into a game launcher but the game it launches, you can simply add the launcher to the exclude list in the vorpX config app. Handling such cases with a time delay would be extremely error prone since vorpX has to hook an .exe as fast as possible after it launches.


    Thanks for answering,

    Since this is not a supported feature thing i would understand if you will not get much deeper into this.

    Though i would like to explain a little more detailed what i am trying to do.
    For Example many Starforce Protected games crash together with VorpX. – This can be solved by starting VorpX, pausing watcher, starting game, resuming watcher after a second or two.
    I wrote a tool where the exact time beetween the start of two applications can be defined. The app starts the game, then after X seconds VorpX. BUT that doesnt work, starting the game and manually vorpX right after that will not work either. So i assume VorpX must be present in the taskbar when a game starts, even the watcher is paused. – I am also assuming there will be no other solution then manually resuming the watcher with the mouse through the taskbar.
    Is that correct ?


    I would have to implement some kind of remote control interface for that. Adding a simple command line switch would not help, switches are only evaluated on start. I’ll check what can be done on occasion, but since the Starforce protection doesn’t even work on Windows 10 anymore, that’s not high priority.

    IIRC from the good old days of CD gaming, Starforce splits the game executble into two files, the .exe and a .dat file, the latter is the actual executable. I have no clue how both work together, but it’s worth a shot to try using the .dat file in your profiles instead of the .exe. Or maybe that was some other copy protection, can’t really remember.

    Caveat: Even if that works, it would break your profiles for everyone who uses Steam/GOG/Whatever versions of the game in question

    You could also look into things like AutoHotkey to automate the required mouse clicks.


    Thanks, i think ill try something like a remote mouseclick through HWnd or so, that would be probably the easiest way.

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