Rise of Flight and Cliffs of Dover in 3D

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    Hello Ralf,

    I am a happy user of vorpX. Thank you for your work!

    If you allow me, I have a question related to two older combat flight sims: Rise of Flight (free to play on Steam) and Il-2 Cliffs of Dover.

    Searching through the various fora, I have found that people got them running in 3D in 3D vision from nvidia and TriDef. However, I am not able to get them running in 3D in vorpX.

    I had a limited success in both sims experimenting with reshade/depth3d using Z-buffer (needs to be reversed for Cliffs of Dover; for Rise of Flight it works only in the outside view, not in the cockpit).

    Given that it is possible to get these older gems in 3D, do you think it would be possible to achieve the 3D also with vorpX (there are user-made profiles for vorpX but these do not give the 3D).

    Thank you for any info.



    I looked at an IL-2 game a long time ago whithout much success. A lot has changed since then though, so probably it’s worth checking again. Will see whether something can be done.


    Great to hear Ralf. Thanks for looking into this.
    This is what I think might be of relevance:

    1) Rise of Flight
    Is free to play on Steam and as far as I know is dx9.

    2) Il-2 Cliffs of Dover BLITZ
    Was re-released by the guys from Team Fusion as Il-2 Cliffs of Dover BLITZ Edition which supports dx11. If you had already the original Il-2 Cliffs of Dover in your Steam library, you should see also the BLITZ Edition ready to install (as a free upgrade, though as a stand-alone game).
    To get the reshade/depth3d work, the “magic” stuff had to be put not in the executable folder but to the folder with all other dlls (\parts\core\). The z-buffer had to be reversed.

    Please do let me know if I can be of any assistance.




    Hi, i still cannot hook in few games Il2 1946, Cliffs Of dover Blitz. It stucks in attaching ad nothing nhappens. I have done everything said. Defender disabled, alternative method is on, admin mode is on nad is always stuck at attachin to..exe file. What to do?

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