Rocket League only hooks in -dx9

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    Dear Ralf,

    Rocket League has been updated to use Direct X 11 a few weeks ago and since then I can only manage to hook the game when i add -dx9 in the RL startup parameters :( Every time I try to start without -dx9 the game starts but my Valve index remains in SteamVr Home and on the desktop there are two “Attaching to Rocket League” windows on top of each other. I tried to block game overlays and use alternative hooking method as well as official profile but unfortunately without luck! Do you have an idea what the problem could be ? Thank you very much, keep up the excellent work, Vorpx is fantastic! Greetings, Martin.


    The Rocket League profile currently is DX9 only. I haven’t check yet whether DX11 will be possible, so for now using he -dx9 launch option is the way to go.


    Thank you, It works perfectly in DX9. I am just worried that the -dx9 option will be discontinued by Psyonix/Epic at some point because they also recently discontinued support for mac and linux, or is that more unlikely to happen ? Thanks again!


    I’m reasonably confident that it will be possible to update the profile to DX11, I just haven’t checked yet. No promises though, can’t guarantee anything without having tried.


    sure, no worries! that’s good news! as long as it’s working in dx9 i’m perfectly happy :) thanks.

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