Screen height setting?

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    I’m currently playing The Witcher in VorpX in Immersive Screen mode (and the immersion is breathtaking!).

    As i’m playing standing, i’m getting a bit tired sometimes, and would like to sit down. I don’t think i see a setting in the VorpX menu for adjusting the screen height. Have i missed it, or is there none? Do i need to restart the game/vorpX every time i want to change from sitting to standing and vice versa?


    The recenter key should do the trick. Alt + space by default I believe. Check the configuration app for hotkeys.


    Oh, i know how to recenter. But i had the impression that it recenters every axis except the vertical.

    I’ll give it a try, thanks.


    I might be wrong about that. I mostly use my Pimax8k with only 3dof (no positional tracking), so the screen stays straight in front at the proper height and distance always. I’m unsure if you can do this with other 6dof headsets.

    I’m unsure if disabling positional tracking while in cinema modes will give this effect or not, but you could try it.


    I can confirm that the recenter feature re-centers the screen vertically as well – very useful!

    Thanks, Dellrifter!

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