Screen Rotation Issue

Homepage Forums Technical Support Screen Rotation Issue

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  • #186430


    I wanted to expand on my other post about VorpX and it rotating the screen.

    Recap: VorpX will rotate the screen 95 degrees to the right whenever I enable Edge Peek or bring up the in-game menu (pressing Del). If I do not enable Edge Peek and bring up the in-game menu (pressing Del) that menu is always rotated 95 degrees to the right.

    If I load a new game and bring up the in-game menu they will be fine. If I bring up the in-game menu and browse through the different settings/menus but do not actually make any changes it will eventually rotate the game screen and the menu 95 degrees. Once that happens it is all over. I cannot get it to go back.

    So I have done the following with no luck in restoring these game to normal:

    -Restored every game file that VorpX modified.
    -Factory Reset VorpX (no change)
    -Reset WMR and calibrated my O+ (no change)
    -Rebooted/Cold Started
    -Reviewed Steam VR’s settings but they seem fine
    -Plugged O+ into different USB3 Ports

    Finally, I can play my normal VR games fine (Skyrim VR, Vacation Simulator, Steam VR Home, VR Chat, etc…)

    I have all the updates for Windows 10 Pro, Steam, Steam VR and VorpX.

    I’m so frustrated with VorpX…


    There is definitely something wrong with your setup. Never have seen something like that or even heard of something similar TBH. Definitely not some general WMR issue.

    What I can suggest is to repeat your SteamVR headset setup and also try to reset the tracking position/orientation in vorpX (ALT+SPACE).

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