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  • #220394

    I normally play using my steam link/moonlight in my living room on my 3Dtv… I understand Vorpx monitors my environment for certain games to launch, in order to hook into them.
    Is there a method to do it manually?
    My intent is to be able to add a batch file (or anything else if possible) to steam (as a game)… Add it as a separate game that will specifically launch the game using Vorpx. This way if I’m in the mood to play a specific game with Vorpx I can selectively start it in this mode?
    Or is this basically an all or nothing situation? (Meaning I have to go to my PC and either start or quit Vorpx for any specific game)?


    If you could change the .exe files name and then add either the changed name or original to vorpx excluded list that would prevent the hooking?


    Thank you for the suggestion 😎😁
    I thought of that too except I’m not sure it’ll work.. I can change the filename.. but the process hook… I don’t know that it’ll look at the filename or the application name, which can’t be changed.. I trtied it with Dungeon Draft to see if it also changes the actual name..
    Process LAsso showing the actual Program's name


    It would also affect updates lol.. I’d have to keep track of every executable and IF I need to redo the copy and rename… Not the best solution (at least in my head lol)

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