Sensitivity of lateral and horizontal translation of the head in F1 2021

Homepage Forums Technical Support Sensitivity of lateral and horizontal translation of the head in F1 2021

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    Hello, I have managed to get F1 2021 working in Full VR mode. Although the rotational speed is OK in both X and Y axis (pitch could be better), if I move my head up or down, or to the sides, the VR motion is way greater than my head movement. The smallest movements lead to huge translations side to side or up and down. Is there a way for me to change a multiplier or a sensitivity metric? I have tried everything I could think of in the in-game menu.

    For context I am using the Oculus Quest 2 via cable.



    vorpX opens an OpenTrck instance when TrackIR is used. You should see its tray icon in your taskbar. When you open its user interface, you should be able to adjust the sensitivities. Caveat: I don’t recall currently how I implemented loading the settings on launch, so I’m not sure whether these changes will stick between sessions.


    thank you! if anyone else faces this issue I just went to OpenTrack on the windows tray icon after game launch (pink squid icon), Mapping, and changed X, Y and Z tab charts to max out at 30.00 x 6.00. And that fixed it.

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