Serious stuttering in Skyrim – please help, I'm getting desperate :)

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    I have a problem running Skyrim, where the display has a severe ‘stutter’ every second or so, especially when moving and turning. This is currently making it unplayable. The weird thing is that it’s just started happening recently, out of the blue, and I can’t identify anything that has changed that might be causing it.

    This is driving me crazy, so I’d be incredibly grateful if anyone has any ideas, thanks!

    I’ve been playing Skyrim (original) with Vorpx for some time (over 50 hrs in), with a bunch of mods installed, and at 1600×1200 with 2x oversampling. It’s been performing reasonably, but I noticed a significant slowdown in places like Markarth. To try and help the performance, I decided to swap out some of the mods (I was running various texture packs, Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Lighting Overhaul etc.). When I did so, I found it wasn’t helping, and I noticed the stuttering described above. So, I switched back to my original config, and the stuttering was still there :( Thinking I’d messed something up with the mods, I backed up my save games and reinstalled Skyrim from scratch. For good measure, I also reinstalled Vorpx. It didn’t help and, even with no mods (and not even the official HD textures) nothing I do gets rid of the stuttering. The way it’s set up now, it should be running way faster than before. Now I don’t think it’s really a performance issue, as this happens even on the initial menu screen, and reducing oversampling and resolution doesn’t help much. I also get the same issue if I switch to Z-Buffer, rather than G3D. Things I’ve tried:
    – Reinstall Skyrim and Vorpx
    – Uninstall GeForce Experience, and make sure the Nvidia 3D vision bits are not installed
    – Tried latest, and older Nvidia drivers (388.59)
    – Stop Kaspersky Antivirus and its service (so nothing from Kaspersky running)
    – Stop various other things such as Google Drive and OneDrive
    – Check for anything dodgy in Task Manager (couldn’t find anything)
    – Unplug everything from USB apart from mouse/keyboard and the Oculus bits
    – Use Oculus Tray Tool to increase the Oculus service process priority
    – Check my Windows power settings are on ‘everything full speed’
    – Try running a ‘flat’ game (no Oculus/Vorpx) – no stuttering
    – Try running a demanding Steam VR game (Talos principle on high/ultra graphics settings) – no stuttering, it’s perfectly smooth

    I’m out of ideas, I think. Does anyone have any other suggestions (other than reinstalling Windows, which is not an option at the moment)? Has anyone seen anything similar?

    Cheers :)

    My specs:
    Core i7 2600K overclocked and stable at 4.2 GHz
    12GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 1080 card
    Skyrim, Vorpx and Oculus installed on SSDs


    just wait for the official skyrim VR from bethesda release on 3 april.

    playing skyrim with vorpx is nice cause you can use all the mods if you use old skyrim, but myself i’ll just play the official skyrim VR from now on.


    What you could try in the VorpX ingame menu, press ALT+F to monitor your framerate, if its not at 90 play with the two renderoptions . Whenever i get framedrops, playing with these can help sometimes. Is V-Sync OFF in the NVidia Control panel ? I would optimize these settings for better performance anyhow. I noticed occasional resests when enabling 3D Vision for example.

    Besides I could imagine that steam has updated something in the background without asking you. I dont use steam, only when there is something i cant go on without. I wouldnt be even a member of this shameless service if i hadndt been forced into registration through my VIVE purchase. I have installed steam and steamvr once and made an immediate backup of the steam and steamvr folder. They download so much shit in the background once you are online and you never know what they are doing, once i saw a “Windows DirectX Driver” beeing downloaded !!?? They dont give a damn about disabling “downloads”.

    If you have a backup of your steam and steamv folder, overwrite the recent ones. Watch out that you dont lose your games though. Thats just an idea. – Run SteamVR directly, not through the steam window. I think its the dashboard something .exe you can call directly without entering steam. I have a shortcut on my desktop for that. I think that could be possible with any steam game.

    But as you mentioned running another game went out perfectly this must have something to do with your skyrim settings. May be different things come together, like i am not shure if your ramspeed is a bit low for higher demanding games)

    BTW: BIG THUBMS UP FOR VORPX, not dealing with the so much hated steam servie for selling the product.


    just wait for the official skyrim VR from bethesda release on 3 april.

    playing skyrim with vorpx is nice cause you can use all the mods if you use old skyrim, but myself i’ll just play the official skyrim VR from now on.

    Yes, I might just do that. My only concerns are that I’d like to keep some of the mods and that I want to play this seated (as I sometimes play for several hours!) and with keyboard+mouse (my preferred controls for first person games). If I do play seated, I also quite like the ‘mouse only controls left/right’ and ‘move head to aim’ scheme from Vorpx. I’ll have to see what control schemes are available in the official release.


    What you could try in the VorpX ingame menu, press ALT+F to monitor your framerate, if its not at 90 play with the two renderoptions . Whenever i get framedrops, playing with these can help sometimes. Is V-Sync OFF in the NVidia Control panel ? I would optimize these settings for better performance anyhow. I noticed occasional resests when enabling 3D Vision for example.

    Not sure what you mean by the 2 render options, but I think Vorpx is capping it to 45fps. I see a frame rate of 40-45, with the occasional drop lower, which is consistent with a 45fps cap and some dropped frames from the ‘stutter’. In terms of performance, I was seeing frame rates of ~45fps or just under previously, running at higher resolution and with a bunch of performance-impacting mods.

    Besides I could imagine that steam has updated something in the background without asking you. I dont use steam, only when there is something i cant go on without. I wouldnt be even a member of this shameless service if i hadndt been forced into registration through my VIVE purchase. I have installed steam and steamvr once and made an immediate backup of the steam and steamvr folder. They download so much shit in the background once you are online and you never know what they are doing, once i saw a “Windows DirectX Driver” beeing downloaded !!?? They dont give a damn about disabling “downloads”.

    If you have a backup of your steam and steamv folder, overwrite the recent ones. Watch out that you dont lose your games though. Thats just an idea. – Run SteamVR directly, not through the steam window. I think its the dashboard something .exe you can call directly without entering steam. I have a shortcut on my desktop for that. I think that could be possible with any steam game.

    But as you mentioned running another game went out perfectly this must have something to do with your skyrim settings. May be different things come together, like i am not shure if your ramspeed is a bit low for higher demanding games)

    BTW: BIG THUBMS UP FOR VORPX, not dealing with the so much hated steam servie for selling the product.

    I’m not running Steam VR myself, as Steam doesn’t know it’s a VR game. I assume Vorpx deals with that side of things.

    As I said, though, I’m now running vanilla Skyrim, without the HD textures and with no oversampling, and still seeing the problem. I don’t think the basic performance of my PC is the issue here. Until this issue happened I was running at higher resolution and 2.0 oversampling, with all sorts of high res textures, Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Lighting overhaul and various other mods, and didn’t have the problem. (In both cases I used the ‘High’ preset, but turned AA down to 2x).


    Try disabling positional tracking in vorpX game menu, see if that helps.

    I know that can cause unwanted stutter sometimes.


    Not sure what you mean by the 2 render options,

    I have vorpX on another PC- Go through the ingame menu until you find a page with two buttons below each other, one is saying something like fluid whatever, the other async something. Try around different settings see what happens while keeping an eye on the framerate.


    Try disabling positional tracking in vorpX game menu, see if that helps.

    I know that can cause unwanted stutter sometimes.

    No difference, whether enabled or disabled, thanks.

    Not sure what you mean by the 2 render options,

    I have vorpX on another PC- Go through the ingame menu until you find a page with two buttons below each other, one is saying something like fluid whatever, the other async something. Try around different settings see what happens while keeping an eye on the framerate.

    Ah, yes, I see which ones you mean. I’ve tried all the Direct Mode settings (Fluid Sync, Async Render and GPU something), and nothing improves things. If I switch the GPU setting to Fast (normally on Safest), I get even more juddering and stuttering :( Oh well, thanks for the suggestion.

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